Symposium 2025 Registration Open

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Campus Resources

Loan Periods, Policies, & Fees

Fines, Fees & Replacement Costs

All users are responsible for fines, fees and replacement costs for overdue, lost or damaged materials. Books, journals and media are renewable online or in person, unless the item is on hold for another patron.

Books, Journals, and Media: 14 day loan period
Fines for books and journals: No Fines

Bones and models: 7-day loan period
Bones and models are not renewable online but may presented in person for renewal
Fines for bones and models: $1 per day

iPads, chargers, and cords: due by end of day
Fines for iPads (limit one at a time): $25 per day
Fines for chargers (limit one at a time): $1 per day
Fines for cords: $1 per day

Faculty and Staff
Books, Journals, and Media: 14 day loan period

Donation Policy

Logan University is happy to accept donations to the Library. All materials will be evaluated for inclusion in either the circulating or archival collections. Any material not accepted will be offered to students, faculty and staff. Papers, photographs and documents relating to Logan history or graduates will be evaluated for inclusion in the Logan Archives. All items become the property of Logan University and no items will be returned to the donor. The Library will acknowledge receipt of donated items but is unable to set fair market or appraisal values.

Interlibrary Loan & Reciprocal Borrowing

Logan’s library is a member of the Missouri Bibliographic Information User System (MOBIUS), which is a network comprised of over 70 college, university and public libraries in the state of Missouri, and provides Internet access to the online catalogs of each of the libraries. Through MOBIUS, Logan faculty, staff and students can borrow books from any of the participating libraries. Logan patrons have the capability of checking their library account, placing holds and renewing materials via the Logan online catalog.

Additionally, an efficient interlibrary loan program offers members of the Logan community access to books and articles that are not available through Logan or MOBIUS.

Resources for Faculty/Staff & Alumni

Logan Alumni and Field Doctors
Books and Journals: 14 day loan period

Faculty and Staff
Books and Journals: 14 day loan period
Media: 7 day loan period
Bones and models: due date is determined by need
Faculty Long-Term Loan Policy
Please contact the Library to check out an item for an extended period of time. The cost of the long-term loan materials is charged to the faculty member’s department.

Materials Clearance
Faculty members are responsible for checked out materials at the end of each trimester and for completing the Library’s clearance process.

General Library Policies

• Eating is prohibited in the Library.
• Cell phones should be turned to silent and conversations should be taken outside the Library.
• Children under the age of 12 require adult supervision in the Library.
• Copyright laws prohibit unauthorized copying, duplicating and/or format changing of media materials.
• Personal items are the responsibility of the owner.
• Safety and fire regulations forbid lingering or sitting on the staircase or blocking emergency exits.

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